Monday 7 January 2013

Introduction to Blogger

Thought to start off it'd only be polite to create a short and simple post about myself!
 I am 20 years of age, I am currently studying a Degree in Illustration, and working night shifts to earn some dollar.
I often receive compliments that I should be a make up artist, or working on at least a make up counter somewhere! I do love make up, and make up artistry but I have decided for now to secure a degree and a job before pursuing a dream.
This does not stop my interest in beauty, and beauty products though!
I love all things Disney, Chanel, gold, polka dot, the colour cream, clean cut blazers and beautiful coats.
I love perfect (and messy) buns and my favourite colour/shade is black.
I adore all things fashion, it has been a big part of my life for such a long time and I seem to always be studying anything fashion related.
I am a big Disney fanatic, my fixation with Disney is nearly as great as my fixation for clothing.
I would really like to start a vlog channel on youtube, but I am very busy juggling a job and university and everything between. We'll see.
I'm still not too sure how to work blogger, or how to make my blog look gorgeous!
So do bare with me! :)

Happy blogging,


  1. Welcome to Blogger. Looking forward to seeing some of your posts. :)

    Your latest follower, Lauren x

    1. Thanks Lauren :)
      Just checked out your blog too and followed, it's awesome!

